ceramic membranes, fouling, membrane processes, membrane technology, wastewater treatmentAbstract
This review is devoted to the features of the formation and application of ceramic membranes in water treatment technologies. The structure, composition and geometric configuration of ceramic membranes were analyzed. A comparison with polymer membranes was made, as a result of which it was determined that the use of ceramic membranes is safer for the environment and will contribute to the creation of sustainable water treatment technologies, which can be completely closed. Despite their widely recognized shortcomings – fragility and cost, the use of ceramic membranes can pay off quickly due to higher performance and longer service life. Besides, a promising direction in overcoming these shortcomings is the fabrication of cheap and highly functional ceramic membranes using nanotechnology, modification of their surface against biofouling and for disinfection and creation of hybrid membranes. Additionally, the perspective direction of ceramic membranes creation based on low-cost raw materials and the development of cheap anisotropic inorganic membranes is outlined. In general, it is noted that membrane technologies, while eliminating certain shortcomings, will be recognized as a universal and "green" method of wastewater treatment, which will address a wide range of water treatment issues.
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