biological method of iron removal, iron bacteria, biomineralsAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to review the latest technologies based on biochemical method of purification of groundwater, as well as the definition of its advantages over traditional technologies. The prospects of using this method in the modern world and the ways of intensification of the biochemical method of purification of groundwater are considered.
It is noted that in the present conditions an important task of intensification of existing or newly designed iron removal stations, is to transfer them from the extensive technologies to technologies that provide a high rate of oxidation of iron compounds, lead to a decrease in the volume of wash water, an increase in the duration of the filtration cycle, improve operating conditions, a decrease in capital and operating costs. Based on the results of the experience review as for using this method in the modern world, it is recognized that it is one of the possible directions of intensification at iron removal stations.
Technological schemes and parameters are also given. The optimal conditions of iron bacteria life cycle , structure of their capsule are represented. Based on a review of research the difference between the structure and physicochemical properties of sewage sludge, resulting from the use of traditional physical and chemical methods, and biological iron removal method is shown. These technologies, developed by the author. It is shown how they differ from existing technologies. The main differences between the biological and conventional physical and chemical methods of iron removal are discussed.
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