


chromatography, cooling, methods of control, oil, water


The relevance of the study is to ensure the reliable operation of NPP recirculating cooling water systems (RCWS) and select the method for discharge water conditioning. The purpose of the study is to provide scientific and technical substantiation of conditions that will effectively provide and improve the reliable and efficient long-term operation of NPP RCWS equipment. The study included analysis of main factors that influence the efficient and reliable performance of heat exchangers, and of modern scientific and technical approaches to study water-chemical regimes (WCR) of operating RCWS systems for preventing depositions of sparingly soluble salts and corrosion of power equipment, to study thermal-hydraulic regimes (THR) in RCWS WCR laboratory simulation, and to study the deposition rates on heat exchange surfaces (HES). The improvements refer to gas chromatography technique to control the content of oil product in water; the process flow diagram for the floor drain radioactive water treatment; methods of discrete control over RCWS operational efficiency with monitoring THR and WCR indicators, and deposition rates during laboratory studies and industrial tests. The obtained results make it possible to carry out a scientific and technical substantiation of the conditions for effective implementation of RCWS structural reconfigurations in order to increase the installed capacity factor (ICF) and for economical use of water during the variable loads on individual power units of large power facilities, considering their installed capacity, service life, and heat exchange equipment condition due to the use of separate RCWS with individual THR, WCR, and established individual standards for the amount of blowdown water and its possible reuse as makeup water for power units.


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