
  • А. К. Запольський Вінницький державний педагогічний університет, м. Вінниця, Ukraine




The modern chemical science appeared in dead spot because of inveterate hypotheses of free ions formation in aqueous solutions. Resistance of water colloidal dispersion systems was explained by the formation of the electrical double layer (EDL) on the surface of the dispersed phase due to spontaneous electrolytic dissociation of the molecules of dissolved substances into the ions (cations and anions) and interaction forces of molecular attraction (van der Waals forces) and electrostatic repulsion forces.

I believe that in an aqueous solution the substances dissolve to molecules and their spontaneous dissociation into ions doesn’t happen. Dissociation into ions occurs only in the case of chemical reactions. The impetus of the chemical reaction is to destroy the hydrogen bonding of water clusters and formation of highly active radicals and the compounds entering into the conjugate chemical reaction with dissolved gases and other substances. The transfer of electric charges in the aqueous solution is carried out by the mixed proton-electron conductivity, which occurs as a result of the spatial distribution of charges in the supramolecular structures.

During the investigation of colloid-dispersed systems it is necessary to take into account the flow of chemical interaction between the dispersed phase and the dispersion medium (water), especially the passage of conjugate chemical reactions between the products of dissociation of water clusters with dissolved substances.

As far as spontaneous dissociation of the compounds (including strong electrolytes) into ions in the aqueous solution doesn’t occur, therefore no EDL is formed on the surface of the colloid-dispersed particles.

As a result of interaction between the solid particle and clusters of water there is a formation of uncompensated positively charged oxonium ions and negative hydrated hydroxide ions (hydrated electrons) on the surface of solid particles, and electrostatic charges. The latter are formed as a result of  Brownian motion of solid particles.

In the process of coagulant water purification aluminum sulphate stays in the form of dimers [Al2 (H2O) 24] (SO4) 3, has a charge of 6+ and hydrolyzes to form aluminum dihydroxylsulphate. The latter subsequently undergoes hydrolytic polymerization with formation of tetramers and ring structures of six-core complexes similar to mineral hydrargillite. The link between these structures is carried out by diol groups leading eventually to X-ray amorphous structures of hydrargillite aluminum.

In constructing the micellar structures - micelles (the first building blocks of colloid-dispersed phase) one should take into account the crystal structure of the substance resulting from the condensation process. The process of coagulation in aqueous colloid-disperse systems is physicochemical.


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