
  • І. Ю. Рой Інститут колоїдної хімії і хімії води імені О. В. Думанського НАН України, м. Київ, Ukraine
  • Л. К. Патюк Інститут колоїдної хімії і хімії води імені О. В. Думанського НАН України, м. Київ, Ukraine
  • Н. А. Клименко Інститут колоїдної хімії і хімії води імені О. В. Думанського НАН України, м. Київ, Ukraine



potable water, granulated activated carbon (GAC), bacteria, biofilm, chlorination, sodium hypochlorite (NaClО)


Studied the microbiological indicators of water treatment plants and identified the technical and technological conditions necessary to ensure compliance with regulatory microbiological quality characteristics of purified tap water for use in the process. It was found that the actual level of microflora, which was observed in the final stage of water treatment, in some cases, have exceeded refers to the set of draft standards, namely 30 CFU / 100sm³. The intensity of the bacteria throughout the flowsheet, differ in processing steps, and in the period of operation, indicating that the trend towards the development of local and seasonal flora. Since the water samples after charcoal filters and granular activated carbon (GAC) were isolated bacteria which reduce chlorates. Culture showed high activity recovery of chlorine, which samples GAC reached 68.3%, while for bacteria isolated from water samples after a carbon filter, was 79.2%. Isolated microorganisms, reducing the oxygen compounds of chlorine, substantially reduce the effectiveness of water disinfection and disinfection equipment with sodium hypochlorite (NaClО). Identified the main sources of contamination of processing steps which can be divided into external, when microorganisms get into system equipment installation outside water entering the purification or air, and internal - is the cell, which is the development of microflora with subsequent spread of bacterial cells water flow. Оffered recommendations to improve the existing water disinfection technology, and restrict unwanted growth of microflora in the system of water purification equipment to ensure regulatory quality indicators of purified water for microbiological parameters.


ДСанПіН 2.2.4-171-10 «Гігієнічні вимоги до води питної, призначеної для споживання людиною». Затверджені наказом МОЗ України від 12.05.2010 № 400, зареєстровано в Мін’юсті України наказом від 01.07.2010 за № 452/17747.

ДСТУ 7525:2014 «Вода питна. Вимоги та методи контролювання якості».

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